This is for education purpose and the story is made up to simplify the concept, don’t take it at face value.
Lets say I am a Real Estate developer, K Raheja. I like a land in Mumbai & Hyderabad for some commercial development. I decide to buy it. Where will I get the funds to buy & construct it?
Bank, NBFC, MF – Debt
Partner – someone else investing as Equity
So I invest some funds, got some from banks & MF’s & I also got Blackrock to invest to buy the land & make the business park called Mindspace. I constructed around 23-mn sq ft with multiple building & I started leasing them out to companies who wanted rented office premises.
There comes a point where I needed more funds to build new building (6.4 mn sq ft), pay off the loans etc., where do I get the funds? So I decide to do an IPO. Not of the entire company K Raheja but only this project called Mindspace. So I formed a trust or corporation.
I committed to payout 90% of my rent income to the shareholders proportionately as dividends & I will use this money to invest a minimum 80% in completed real estate, which is generating rent and will use 20% in constructing new Real Estate.
Is the IPO a win-win?
K Raheja gets more money 2 pay off debt, investment in more commercial real estate.
Investors will receive dividends semi annually (from the rent income) which is tax free + as its listed on the exchange the stock prices can go up.
Why will the stock price go up?
Rents increase year after year
The value of the land increases
New construction means more business.
Why invest in a REIT?
G-Sec is at 6% and the rent yield in commercial RE is 7.5%-8%
Diversification – It’s a combination of Debt (rent income) & Equity (listed so prices can move)
Investment in RE with just 50K.
Tax Structure?
There are 3 types of income,
Interest – REIT’s can also loan money to another developer (maximum 20%) & receive interest. If you receive interest from the REIT, It will be taxed at the slab rate. Practically this is very less or zero.
Capital Gain on the stock exchange – 15% Short Term Capital Gains Tax if you sell the REIT before 3 years and 10% Long Term Capital Gains Tax if you sell the REIT units after 3 years.
Capital Gain on the stock exchange – 15% Short Term Capital Gains Tax if you sell the REIT before 3 years and 10% Long Term Capital Gains Tax if you sell the REIT units after 3 years.
What to look for before investing in a REIT?
Weighted Average Lease Expiry – Higher the better
Vacancy Rate – Lower the better
Concentration of top 10 tenants – Lower the better
Sector Concentration – Lower the better.
REITs operate exactly like MF’s
Sponsor – K Raheja and Blackstone
Manager – K Raheja (receives AMC fees for managing the properties)
REITs and real estate mutual funds are not the same.
Disclaimer: This is not investment advice.
Source: Kirtan A Shah, you can reach him on his twitter handle @kirtan0810